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44 Day 4,768, 11:48 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

There wweks from the start and here are the final results of the EREP 13 MEME Competition.

But first, here are some clarifications about the process of establishing the winners.

The score for each meme consisted of:
* 50% the vote of the
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110 Day 4,759, 06:32 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Finally, with a big delay (I appollogies for this), we have the voting open for the EREPUBLIK 13 MEME COMPETITION.

You are required to vote for your Top 5 in the comments section. This will cont for 50% of the final decision, 30% belonging to
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84 Day 4,749, 01:34 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Here we go! MEME competition is ON!

The rules are simple:

Create a meme with the theme: Erepublik13, put it in an article and publish it. Then leave a link to the article in the comments.

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Erepublik 13 EVENT on Clopoyaur TV

55 Day 4,747, 11:46 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Erep 13 celebration on Clopoyaur TV goes crazy like never before starting Friday, November 20th, and lasts for 12 days. Plato has decided to be generous this year as well and contributed greatly to the prizes

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25 POWER PACKS to win in November on Clopoyaur TV!

21 Day 4,735, 03:45 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I have prepared 25 Power pack in November for ClopoCrew. They are FREE, just come and get them. Over 700+ Power Packs given so far and still counting 😊

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