Ambient on/off

A bittersweet return, an uncertain future

13 Day 6,006, 15:15 Published in Belgium Belgium Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

"Returning" after a decade is quiet harsh. I logged in just out of nostalgy and curiosity but I couldn't resist to check everyone's profile, the wikis, the parties etc.

I found my e-country filled with new faces but the absence of old friends,

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Little giveaway - Results

11 Day 2,198, 01:34 Published in Belgium Belgium Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


I wanted to do it at the end of the month, but I am really sick and I sleep all the time, so I'll just do it now.

Let me remind you that there will be other giveaways soon, so don't hesitate to subscribe and keep in touch.

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Day 2190 - What's your mood music for today?

18 Day 2,190, 21:29 Published in Belgium Belgium Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


just woke up, this is my music of the day:

A friend send me it, loved the mood, a mix of happiness, hope and nostalgia/sadness !

Hope you like it. May you all have a nice day in real life

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Little giveaway

34 Day 2,186, 08:37 Published in Belgium Belgium Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hi, people of eRepublik and eBelgium.

Some of you might know me, a lot of you probably don't.

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SwaqqCoryn deserves a chance as CP

5 Day 1,963, 13:29 Published in Belgium Belgium Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis


I'll make it quick because I am tired of defending myself and my friends in this game against permanent accusations since we arrived (And so, even before some of the scandals you might quote like always such as the MU story.)

So, for those

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