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Region under attack

Romania attacked Lika and Gorski Kotar, Croatia
Day 6,005, 23:45 (10 hours ago)

War Declared

Romania prepares an airstrike on Croatia
Day 6,005, 23:40 (10 hours ago)

Resistance war started

A resistance has started in Central Greece
Day 6,005, 18:09 (16 hours ago)

Resistance war started

A resistance has started in Slovenian Littoral
Day 6,005, 07:18 (yesterday)

Natural enemy declared

Serbia has declared Croatia as a Natural Enemy
Day 6,005, 06:40 (yesterday)

Region under attack

Croatia attacked East Srpska Republic, Albania
Day 6,005, 03:01 (yesterday)

Region under attack

Croatia attacked Prekmurje, Slovenia
Day 6,005, 02:52 (yesterday)

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