Day 5,393, 19:14 Published in USA USA by OdinAndrew

I joined the SFP in 2018, at the time I had been a member of the eWorld for 10 years.

I was born on August 10, 2008. To mild mannered, poor, and desolate parents in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

During my early years my only focus was to progress my fellow men in the world.

I grew economic, and political aspirations until I reached over 100 individual companies. I started 4 parties, and 3 MU's many long gone and defunct.

One of my most successful achievements is the founding of the US Space Force. After creation and a few months operating, I left the eUS for eMoldova. Where I immediately was welcomed and offered positions in upper government.

Through all this experience there was something missing. I never really felt at home with people who genuinely cared.

Back to 2018, when I joined the SFP, I realized that the people, the ideas, the culture exhibited in the SFP was my missing piece.

I came back to the eUS to rejoin SFP, and my lifelong Comrades in the betterment of all people.

My experiences, my love for our nation, and my love for the SFP is unwavering.

I want to continue our mission, Onward through the fog!

We are the best party, not in numbers, but in mentality, acceptance, and drive for success. The SFP has been around and will still be once countless citizens are long gone.


Comrade Chairman,
Socialist Freedom Party