NZ 100 of 100 completed

Day 5,994, 12:52 Published in New Zealand Greece by Warrioir of Justice

Hello my dear NZ players!

I am glad to inform you that 100 medals from NZ players has been taken in THE NAME OF JUSTICE. I am pretty sure, this madness must be stopped as soon as possible, but it feels like you will reject my T10 proposal again.
So D5995 will be Celebrating day and no medals will be taken. If someone think that i am taking his medals wrong, just contact me. If you decide to accept my proposal i will be happy and i will help you to fight with intruders.

Some fun stats from my 0 of 100 journey, the guy who started it paid 280g to JUSTICE, top 5 guys who gave their medals to JUSTICE:

If you reject my proposal (i am sure you will ofc) then i will extend my crusade to 250 medals since D5996.

Thank you and stay safe My Dear Friends!