I was groomed to PTO South Korea

Day 5,364, 19:56 Published in Switzerland Ireland by OogieBoogie3

The title perfectly sums up what this article is all about. My eFather was Heymans, the Lieutenant of then PEACE GC Spokesman Arthk, and one of the alliance's most successful and formidable intelligence officers - he was a media mogul himself, keen on spreading misleading and pro-PEACE propaganda, highlighting their military success, and writing op-eds on their leadership - which was once again mostly propaganda - IRL this guy is an attorney in New York City now by the way, so he was truly good at what he did, and has applied his skills IRL.

But back to OP - Heymans' biggest success on the behalf of PEACE GC was leading PTOs - or political takeovers to those who live under a rock. Things back in those days - 11+ years ago - were quite different. The protections we have today to curb such attacks were not in place, so the only real way to defeat such attacks was with good organization and determination. Citizenship did not exist yet, so the ability to vet citizens as a method of national security was not an option. You needed a keen eye and had to essentially rally under one party to crush these attempts, because the consequences were rather dire if you managed to lose an election against your foreign invaders.

The best example of a PTO at the time was South Africa. Heymans didn't lead that attempt directly, but he took part - South Africa was taken over and purged into oblivion. Basically upon moving their minions in and winning the country's elections in a landslide, they proceeded to raise ALL TAXES up to 99% - which of course destroyed the country economically and annihilated their GDP, chasing citizens and companies out in the process. Then they purged the treasury and moved the gold into a private trust, and then proceeded to use South Africa as a puppet to attack their nearby enemies and grow the stage of the war.

So enter me and my eBrothers - raised and groomed by Heymans with the goal of PTOing South Korea. He ordered everyone to move to South Korea and join their PTO Party to begin the attack with the coming election. Their goal was more of the same - purge the treasury, destroy the economy with egregious taxation, and attack their enemies to expand the stage of the war. But something went awry with me - it's a little foggy to me with how or why it happened, but I was approached by and finessed into betraying Heymans and PEACE GC by some of the local leadership. Morally speaking I did find the practice to be pretty despicable, and I've obviously held strongly onto that opinion based on where my career had headed since then - but yeah, I ended up crossing PEACE and feeding all of the plans of the takeover to then South Korean president Yonai Keiko - and as result we curbed the takeover attack and purged all future attempts. I had pretty much out of nowhere come from being one of Heymans minions attempting to destroy a country, to becoming one of its heroes - a double agent of sorts - who helped curb a PTO and successfully fight for sovereignty. From there I managed to help South Korea free some occupied territory, which is why I bear the "South Korean Freedom Fighter" tag as one of my accolades.

Before all of this had happened mind you, I had sat in on high clearance round table discussions between some of the PEACE GC alliance's head intelligence officers and ministers, including then spokesman Arthk (from Portugal) - I was included mostly as an extension to Heymans, but I was able to gather a lot of information about their plans and practices, all of which just seemed inherently evil to me. I couldn't possibly participate in any of this - it went against my moral code. I'm a man of principal you see, I can not be corrupted. I basically started plotting against Heymans as early as those meetings, and in turn, when I made my move and betrayed them, I launched a career of helping the little guys against ethically bankrupt imperialists. I think that's part of the reason I ended up here in Switzerland - a country that is established on its neutrality and ethical high ground. It's the right kind of place for like-minded citizens who want to make the world a better place. I ended up becoming a career diplomat - serving as ambassador over a dozen times, as well as Minister of Foreign Affairs for both Koreas and even here in Switzerland a couple of times - many years ago of course. I made a career of trying to better this eWorld by bringing people together - and attempting to stave off conflict and division wherever possible. And to be honest, I wish to continue that legacy of diplomacy in time if those in power here today would allow me. Diplomacy is what keeps the world together and families intact. We gain little from war - war has taken more from me and many than anybody could really know. Humanity is at its best when we come together to conquer common goals and make society a better place for all people, from all countries, and walks of life. We should continue to strive towards those common goals, and defeat those who intend to take that away from us and destabilize society in the name of greed and power. You do not have to be a product of your environment. I am only here today because I was basically trained and groomed into helping the largest and most powerful military alliance in the eWorld attempt to destabilize smaller, seemingly defenseless countries and toss them into a downward spiral to forward their imperialist agenda. I CHOSE not to continue down that path, and instead walked a new path to fight imperialism wherever possible, and make the world a better place through peace and diplomacy.