eIrelander Gazette - Issue II - Day 5,400

Day 5,400, 17:13 Published in Ireland Republic of China (Taiwan) by Irish Community Fund
This Week's Random Video: Smiting, a tutorial

Right so. Here's your winner. I'd give you exciting news and titillating views but I'm all out of shites to give. Tough week.

Congrats S1lv3r M4X! 25,000cc plus Endorsements. Rounded up to 32,000cc.
Delirah for ya 🍀

What's on the wall?

MoD Feno's Article: [MoD] Day 5395 Update to current TW setup

Chris: global news: irish congress and news!

See yiz next Friday. Another 25,000cc up for grabs.

Comment below if you want to join.

I'll make more of a grand stand next time around but yiz know yerselves, rl and all.

Seth the Briber

Brought to you by the eOireachtas na hEireann