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Israel First

Id-partypresident Mike Cromwell     IL Israel     National rank: 3    

Vice President

5fbf7b6f7dffa2701cf96ac112516315 Hapoel Petach Tikva


Open Wiki page

Founded in 2010, Israel First, is the oldest still functioning party in eIsrael. Many eIsraeli presidents and ministers have been affiliated with IF. Join us today and become a member of the most prestigious party in the country! If you have any questions feel free to ask Mike Cromwell

Members 7

Associate Members 0

Orientation Center, Libertarian


Icon_position_politics_partypresidentParty presidency

Party President

Next election in13 days 0 candidates  


2 congress members

  7.41%  of Congress


Next elections in 23 days

Icon_position_politics_presidentCountry presidency

Next elections in 3 days

No candidate proposed

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