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No comment n°11 : turkish delight

19 Day 5,680, 07:41 Published in France France Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Some time ago I traveled over 3 weeks in Turkey. I came back with over one thousand photos it has been a real challenge to select around 20 to share with you and to make you want to discover this wonderful country where Europe and Asia … read more »

Nouvelles du front

26 Day 5,616, 09:43 Published in France France Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Les frictions entre les deux plus grosses alliances du jeu Asteria et Code continuent d’entretenir d’intéressants conflits où diverses stratégies opè
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52 : animation ! (+sheetresult)

92 Day 5,603, 16:09 Published in France France Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Link to Sheet with found characters

52 (yes 52 not 51) characters to
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58 : Cinema !

54 Day 5,596, 04:55 Published in France France Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

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La guerre à nos portes : aux armes citoyens !

6 Day 5,589, 07:07 Published in France France Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Depuis plus de 2 ans l’alliance Code, dont l’eFrance fait … read more »