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The Failed Establishment part 2

15 Day 5,429, 17:15 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dear Patriots,

They are the enemies of the state.

They are against democracy.

They have sill fear of a clown.

They only like a yes person.

They are brutally dishonest.

They are unpatriotic.

This is their character.

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Who is Tef1

11 Day 5,422, 12:42 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dear Patriots,

Tef1, more commonly known as the friendly clown, is a citizen of Switzerland.
He was born on March 4th, 2017 (Day 3392 of the New World).


Eventually, after many interesting articles and adventures, tef1

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It is fixed now

5 Day 5,416, 12:22 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dear Patriots,

Despite our differences, he deserved a better one so here you go my friend -



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the end of an era

15 Day 5,416, 09:49 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dear Patriots,

It is with sadness I report I am quitting the new world.

To the failed establishment: You got caught. dream on though.

To honorable members of the esteemed resistance movement, my sincere apologies for the joke.


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interview with tef1 by tef1

12 Day 5,408, 15:00 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dear Patriots,

Hey there, do I have a treat for you tonight? I am tef1 and I will be conducting interview of my self.

Tef1: why are you so awesome tef1?
tef1: well I am you that is why.

Tef1: Are you running for CP?
tef1: My only goal

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