Ambient on/off

Do not sleep in the last minute [We are in peace now.]

52 Day 5,629, 04:04 Published in India India Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Somebody of you reported my last article.
Not just that last, but 3 more.
So I got this:

Because of those 4 igms I got this:
[img][/img] … read more »

Велико пролећно печатирање

8 Day 5,620, 00:33 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Нема слика, нема сиса, не делим бомбоне.


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Дођи па ме згази

9 Day 5,611, 10:38 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

У те 3 слике све што имам да кажем-казао сам.

Нисам баш сад' планирао да га мериread more »

Respect to be respected

4 Day 5,535, 04:47 Published in Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I have started the first, that round...
On the last minutes I have to go to WC.

At some time before the end of [url= more »

Ударио лопатом на багер

1 Day 5,530, 05:22 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Када поживиш дуг еживот и мислиш да си све видео, да ништа више овде не може да те изненади, да нико више овде није глуп ипак се деси да се у свему томе превариш.
Ево рецимо овај [url=
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