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Free Volunteers Party !!

3 Day 2,492, 10:44 Published in Israel Israel Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello eIsrael,

Yesterday were the Party President elections they were very competitive but in the end i won with 11 votes 🙂

Players that helped me a lot are:


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VOTE 4 Givat187 !!

10 Day 2,481, 05:44 Published in Israel Israel Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dont let MEK win this time !!

VOTE FOR Givat187 4 eIsrael CP !
VOTE FOR Givat187 4 eIsrael CP !
VOTE FOR Givat187 4 eIsrael CP !
VOTE FOR Givat187 4 eIsrael CP !
VOTE FOR Givat187 4 eIsrael CP !
VOTE FOR Givat187 4 eIsrael CP !

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The Most Sexiest IceBucket Challenge Ever !! :p

17 Day 2,469, 05:56 Published in Israel Israel Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Seriously this is the most sexiest ICB ever 😛 ENJOY 😛

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Who Is Behind The PC ??

9 Day 2,455, 07:32 Published in Israel Israel Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear eIsrael players,
This is a very fun game to see who is actually behind the computer screens and to know who are these people that you spend hours talking to them every single day.

If you would like to join this game just PM me with your

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16 Day 2,440, 00:33 Published in Israel Israel Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello again eIsrael
Please vote for me in the CP elections !
My program is :
1. We will cancel the Cyprus contract and liberate Israel 3 regions (Nazareth,Tel Aviv,Beersheba).
2. We will AS and gain 3 new regions.
3. We will make about 20 MPP.

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