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Вот так наводят суету

11 Day 6,060, 05:05 Published in Russia Russia Battle orders Battle orders

Статья написана по мотивам этого поста
Step 1:


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Христос Воскресе

1 Day 6,011, 02:29 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Happy Easter my brothers and sisters. In the honor of this Great Holiday, erep Days 6011, 6012 and 6013 are free for farm. You shouldn't guard your medals during … read more »

[NZ] Happy SB Event! Monthly report

26 Day 6,006, 02:43 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Battle orders Battle orders

Hey yo my fellow New Serbians.
This month i got amazing results and 39 medals has been taken, without any serious fights as usual. Total is 118 medals so far. Thanks for all who participating in this amazing event.


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Povetry is bad

16 Day 5,998, 11:14 Published in Portugal Portugal Battle orders Battle orders

Hello my dear PT players!

I see that high inflation hits

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NZ 100 of 100 completed

6 Day 5,994, 12:52 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Hello my dear NZ players!

I am glad to inform you that 100

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