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Hot Air Program - Week 12 - Results

8 Day 4,893, 23:34 Published in Canada Canada Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Week 12 of the Hot Air Program is over! And now, here are the results!

(open in new tab for full sized image)

22,259 … read more »

Hot Air Program - Week 11 - Results

9 Day 4,886, 14:55 Published in Canada Canada Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Week 11 of the Hot Air Program is over! And now, here are the results!

(open in new tab for full sized image)

A … read more »

Hot Air Program - Week 10 - Results

17 Day 4,879, 19:55 Published in Canada Canada Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Week 10 of the Hot Air Program is over! And now, here are the results!

(open in new tab for full sized image)

18,025 … read more »

Hot Air Program - Week 9 - Results

12 Day 4,872, 11:49 Published in Canada Canada Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Month 3 is here, and Week 9 of the Hot Air Program is over! And now, here are the results!

(open in new tab for full … read more »

Hot Air Program - Week 8 - Results

8 Day 4,865, 12:01 Published in Canada Canada Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Week 8 of the Hot Air Program is over! And now, here are the results!

(open in new tab for full sized image)

22,210 … read more »