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Happy Trianon.
Maga talan taliban ebed?

1. Pleaz sub not mei uery naiz njuzpapir.
2. PM me with the your card number and your pin on eNewspaper link.
3. I'll sue you back.
4. Koszike!

Happy Trianon 104!

20 Day 6,041, 10:51 Published in Hungary Hungary Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


"Bár nem áll módomba kunyerálni de kérlek titeket segítsetek ! nincs kajám , munkám , pénzem ezek miatt csatába sem tudok
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Endorse Me! Like Me! Spring Break! 2

4 Day 6,006, 12:29 Published in Hungary Hungary Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

The Erepubik is a strange place indeed. And the social aspect of it is the strangest part of all. All day, everyday I get invitations to follow ecitizens and like
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Endorse Me! Like Me! Spring Break! 1

7 Day 6,006, 05:25 Published in Hungary Hungary Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

The Erepubik is a strange place indeed. And the social aspect of it is the strangest part of all. All day, everyday I get invitations to follow ecitizens and like
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Endorse Me! Like Me! Follow Me!

22 Day 6,005, 09:24 Published in Hungary Hungary Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

The Erepubik is a strange place indeed. And the social aspect of it is the strangest part of all. All day, everyday I get invitations to follow ecitizens and like
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Hogyan csináljunk eforradalmat?

7 Day 5,962, 07:39 Published in Hungary Hungary Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Nem szûnõ megosztottság a emagyar társadalomban....

Sokkal jobb tüntetéseken hazugságokat ordibálni a mikrofonba,
mint megdögleni egy polgárháborúban.

Ez az én jó tanácsom maguknak....a forradalom győzött, a szabadságharc bukott

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