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Mihai Eminescu - din Glossa

Vara nu dorm/ I don't sleep in the summer

4 3 days ago Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

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O noapte/ A night

6 Day 6,083, 09:00 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment 

După o insolație puternică,  a trebuit o răcorire și hidratare.
O noapte " la hotel" ( cutie de carton), a devenit mai puternic.
Ieri, fără selecție naturală.
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Prin grădină/ Through the garden

0 Day 6,079, 11:37 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

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Beauty and simplicity/ Frumusețe și simplicitate

0 Day 6,069, 08:03 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

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Steagul să strălucească!

6 Day 6,063, 07:59 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Salut fratern Moldovă, Bucovină
Salut fratern Ardeal și tu Banat
Muntenie si Dobroge senină
Și Maramureș ne-ngenunchiat

Din Imn Universitatea Craiova
de Adrian Pă … read more »