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What does the UK need?

54 Day 2,687, 05:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Due to Wayne’s totalitarian rule we’re left with a million quid unaccounted for and a dieing political scene. The eUK needs a dictator to help stop a foreign takeover as the 400k cost helps deter any MU’s wanting to try. This idea was passed by

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Where are your taxes going?

44 Day 2,423, 08:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Financial business Financial business

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We've been Serbed

31 Day 2,419, 21:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

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[Funky Militia] World Cup

29 Day 2,415, 09:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

First congratulations to the Royal Navy/DC for some awesome damage over the last week and on getting Top … read more »

[Funky Militia] Newspaper Strike

31 Day 2,384, 06:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Battle orders Battle orders

Fight against Serbia for our ally Croatia in North Dalmatia

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