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Eu sunt epic

14 Day 6,069, 01:00 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

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Now do you understand why?

7 Day 6,062, 00:12 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

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România Epică - 10 săptămâni

11 Day 6,055, 02:28 Published in Romania Romania Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Vreau să fac o mică prezentare a 10 epice.

În acest link sunt datele cât … read more »

Gold Store - How to choose?

8 Day 6,034, 02:58 Published in Romania Romania Financial business Financial business

Not all of us have 9120 gold to buy all the packs offered in the gold store. But even if someone has them, not everyone wants to buy all the packs. How do we save, how do we choose?
In the table below we have on the white columns (C E G I K) the

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România Epică - da, noi putem!!! - Ziua 6034

6 Day 6,034, 00:18 Published in Romania Romania Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

România Epică - da, noi putem!!!

Da, putem să facem o epică în fiecare marți, Astăzi, eu personal, am început epica cu stres: IRAN sau Lituania? Reușim? Se întoarce zidu? Ați dat MOV? 10 sec, dați + … read more »