Why A Supporter for TUP, Is More Valuable Than A Supporter For TRS, or CG

Day 6,093, 21:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gavin C. Mister

Why one more vote for TUP was more valuable than a vote for anyone else!

In the recent congressional elections we again saw the most votes go to the TRS Party, however in a close second was The Unity Party. Which as it claims another second place finish is almost a better off compromise party than the Reform party or the Common Ground Party

But if TUP had just one more vote on election day, the total number of projected seats would have been 11 and not 10. this goes to show that any one supporter who wants to be part of change and not settlement can make that difference even if they go at it alone

This static cannot only be useful to keep in mind next congressional election day, but also in the presidential election on the 5th. Because as we just saw, you never know what just one vote can do (especially if its for the opposition!)