Whodunit? A Territory Kerfuffle

Day 5,669, 17:33 Published in Canada Canada by Jokubas Zdobrodosli

Greetings readers! My most sincere apologies for not posting a Saturday issue, there was an internet problem at my home. As such, this is my re-compensation issue.

With the war on Ukraine in many people's minds these past months, I'd like to take a moment to discuss a smaller, perhaps equally important one. Israel vs. Palestine.

Now, I know that this topic has been discussed many a time, and I'd respect you no less if you clicked off this article now. But for those who care, I'd like to give my two cents. Or whatever the equivalent is in Canada 😉

The majority of my International Relations class says that they side with Israel, and I can see why. The only Jewish nation on the planet, home to around 40 holy sites, what's not to like? Except for the government. With no constitution, a unicameral Knesset (senate/parliament house) and a no-chill Security Agency with a track record for arbitrary killings, it's the perfect vacation spot for any Arab.

Now, don't get me wrong. Palestine has a chronic lack of civil rights, high unemployment, and poverty. Does that give Israel the right to invade said nation? I think not. The Palestinian government filed for sovereignty on October 1, 1948, and was accepted by a majority of the UN as a state of its own. Israel's grounds for the invasion (historical rights to the region) sound like someone you might recognize. Our favorite Russian, Vladimir Putin!

But what's funny is, both nations were occupied by the UK during the time when Palestine wasn't sovereign. Even if they wanted to, Israel has no claim to a territory it was only a part of during occupation.

So... Who do I support?

🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦

I bid all my readers a good day, evening or night, and we'll be back with tomorrow's issue! Ciao!

For a prosperous future,

Jokubas Zdobrodosli, citizen of the world