Happy 4/20 Day!

Day 5,995, 22:02 Published in Canada Canada by Sharlenwar

4/20 is one of my favorite days. Especially here in Canada as marijuana is legalized here. Grab your favorite indicia or sativa and smoke in the spring with an eRepublik article here for you to enjoy.

I've been caught in the daily grind here in eRepublik. Coming on, doing my clickity clickity, complete dailies, work on the weekly, sell some items on the marketplace, and use up my fuel in battles that gain gold. I've even managed to take sneak in some snipes of my own, at least I think so.

Some changes in the political party I'm aligned with. Looks like I've been assigned a Councillor position. I'm honoured to take it and to move forward continuing with advancing the party goals. Rylde, our party president, has changed the name of the party to the 69th Royal Canadian Snipers. A fitting name and to be honest, I'm glad that I fell into this group. Those of you out there reading this who are lurking on the fence of change. Take a hard think about your routine. Is it simply that? A routine? Are you happy with it? Maybe it's time to change it up for a season in the spirit of fun and to change up the routine.

TemujinBC has reached out to me about C.O.R.E.. Talking about "embracing the light side". Star Wars reference here? Well, I'm deciding to ride the wave with the "dark side" then. I'm giving this run of the game my all, and so I'm going to maximize the fun. The clickity clickity isn't my thing and definitely I should be playing my library of Steam/Epic games, not to mention many other multiplayer games which have voice chat. It's 2024 here, who really still plays web games? It's way more fun to interact with other people as we do our clickity clickity. Come over to the dark side, we have cookies!

I'll leave you all with these final thoughts I have. eRepublik was a hopping place to be. When I played it last, the mechanics weren't fleshed out as they are now. It was almost too busy. Looks like there was a resurgence around 2014. Now here we are in 2024. If you are still reading this, I thank you and I appreciate the time it took to get to this point. If you've been playing this game a long time and are stuck in the monotony, then take a chance and come over. Let this spring bring in a new beginning to your eRepublik life. Don't succumb to the status quo.