1200 Power Packs for Erepublik and... counting

Day 5,552, 07:56 Published in Romania Romania by Clopoyaur
I started the Power Pack Challenge 4 years ago (February 2019) and never imagined that in the process I will give away over 1200 FREE Power Packs. But... it happened.

It's been a while since my last article about this topic, therefore let me update you (again) on how you can get packs (especially Power Packs) FOR FREE.

First of all, everything is found in my ClopStore and it's simplified version (for February) is show below:

*Each month the items, the amount of items and their price may vary

As you can see, each item has a price in CLOPS. How you can get these Clops?

Pretty simple, just by watching Clopoyaur TV! And, of course, involving in the various events are happening there alongside the other Erepublik players.

More precisely what are Clops?

The almighty currency of my stream, Clopoyaur TV.

How do you get them?

By watching Clopoyaur TV and by participating/engaging in the various competitions that are taking place during the month. In these competitions you have the chance get Clocks, Pyramids, Knowledge and Clopo$$$ that can all be converted into Clops.

These can be obtained in the following way:

KNOWLEDGE can be gained as follows:
+30 for winning the ClopoQuest, the trivia competition that takes place every Monday, Wednesday and Friday starting 12:00 Erep time
+29 for second place, +28 for 3rd place and so on, until the 30th place that gets +1 Knowledge,
+1 for every correct answer given when a Streamloots Trivia card is redeemed
* ClopoQuest will be explained in the next article

PYRAMIDS can be gained as follows:
+1 everytime you are on the stream while a Pyramid game reaches the Top (the max prize)

CLOCKS can be gained as follows:
+1 for every 5 minutes you are watching the stream while I am LIVE

CLOPO$$$ can be gained as follows:
+1 for every 3 minutes you are watching the stream while I am LIVE
+30 if you are on the stream in the first 15 minutes after the stream starts
+100 for every Euro donated to the stream
+added for each Clopo$$$ card redeemed from my Streamloots card collection
You can win or lose Clopo$$$ by placing bets on different events that happen on the stream!

When you gather a certain amount of these you can convert them into Clops at the following exchange rates:
30 Knowledge = 1 Clop
3 Pyramids = 1 Clop
150 Clocks = 1 Clop
500 Clopo$$$ = 1 Clop

How can you do it exactly? By typing these commands in chat for each of these 4 conversions:

!tradeknowledgetoclops = Exchanges 30 Knowledge to 1 Clop
!tradepyramidstoclops = Exchanges 3 Pyramids to 1 Clop
!tradeclockstoclops = Exchanges 150 Clocks to 1 Clop
!trade$$$toclops = Exchanges 500 Clopo$$$ to 1 Clop

The "!pp" command will tell you exactly how many Clops you have. Once you gathered enough Clops you can use them to buy the various items available in the "!shop". The command for each item is displayed in the picture triggered by the "!shop" command.
Example: !buypowerpack

Erepublik Packs are delivered as soon as the offer for them becomes available in the game. You can see the list of the people that won the Packs this month using the command "!winners". All the other items are delivered in the shortest time possible depending on the situation.

If there are any questions do not hesitate to ask.

* Knowledge, Pyramids, Clocks and Clopo$$$ are reset at the start of each month.
* You cannot trade fractions of Clops. The !tradeX command makes only 1 exchange at the established exchange rate. Also, if you want to make more trades, you need to run the command multiple times.
* Clops will NOT reset at the end of the month

I wish you a great month on Clopoyaur TV! The shows are taking place every Monday, Wednesday and Friday starting 09:00 Erep time (the Erepublik part usually starts at 11:00 Erep time)!